Wednesday, January 31, 2007


We have been looking into the beach life in general to understand the role of the beach in the region. What is a beach? Is water and/or sand needed? What kind of beaches are there in the region? How is the beach used? When and why?
Is Oresund defined by Its beaches? In that case how does it affect the identity of the region?
Our beach investigation has included field trips, research on the internet but mostly group discussions. The phenomenon of beaches is very interesting and far more complex then we thought.
See ya on friday

PIN-UP friday 2 of feb 13-16 sal 106

The pin-up will be power point presentations showing the whole investigation phase.
Tiina Sarap will be our guest between 14 and 16.

Suggestion for presentation order:
13.00-13.15 Introduction

13.15-13.30 Sweden vs Denmark
13.30-13.45 Identity-Sustainebility
13.45-14.00 Mobility

14.00-14.15 Paus

14.15-14.30 O-investigation
14.30-14.45 Spotting
14.45-15.00 Duality

15.00-15.15 Paus

15.15-15.30 Club O
15.30-15.45 Swe-den

15.45-16.00 Conclusion

Dialogue phase

Next week we move into the dialogue phase. Before this phase starts you should form new groups with 2 or 3 people in each group. These groups start to work with the interviews, and then go on to the design phase. Please write down your names on the list in the studio!

Already this week you should prepare for next weeks interviews. These should reflect some of the discussions we have had so far and also raise questions you have got during your work. Who should you talk to? It could be politicians, planners, other civil servants, building contractors, architects and planners working in the region, NGOs (Non Government organizations), citizens with a special interest in the topic…Please note that the sooner you start contacting people, the more likely you will be able to make your interviews during the Dialogue Phase! Don’t hesitate to contact us for suggestions on who to ask for an interview! or

Please post your choice of interview persons on the blog so we can keep track of who you chose!

Hand-in: Friday 9 February. There will be no oral presentation of your interviews. You should present your interview using the template soon posted on this blog. Print out your interview and post it on the studio wall. You should also make a text file with a full transcript of your interview for documentation.

Program for design phase
Friday 9 February you should also present a program for the design phase. Make an A3-poster in the same way you made the posters the first week, with text, images, and graphic information. The poster should answer: what will we work with, how will we do it, and how will it be presented/what techniques are we using. Put the posters on the studio wall. Fredrik and Sabina will go through your work and discuss it with you in the studio during the following Monday.


This week club-o has been trying to analyse the nightlife of Malmö. Not so very easy.....One step has been to work with collages.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I do want to work with rural/countryside planning and tourism. Im thinking of the O-region as the link between the people in Denmark and Germany that do search for the nature, and the vast forests and hundreds of lakes of Sweden. I have some basic thoughts of who to interwiev, but everything is still quite open...
So, who would like to join me?


24hour city- economical aspects of nightlife

The '24 hour city' – condition critical?

Although many '24-hour city' strategies have been economically successful, they have often failed to meet the social needs and aspirations of local communities. Phil Hadfield, Stuart Lister, Dick Hobbs and Simon Winlow look at the problems now facing these night-time economies and examine some of the latest proposals for addressing them.

This text, we found on the homepage of `Institute of Alcohol Studies-United Kingdom´, is about London, but there are many statement which are also reality in malmö. The town-nightlife in öresundregion we´ve investigated.
The following interesting statements we’ve picked out:

While the prophets of 'cultural regeneration' foresaw post-modern 'playgrounds', the market forces unleashed by the deregulation of alcohol-based night-time leisure have contributed to the creation of scenes more akin to the pre-modern battleground.

However, the subsequent strategies of deregulation which have permitted the growth of a market-led monoculture of licensed premises and fast-food outlets are a corruption of Jacob's vision. Alcohol-based leisure now dominates the nightlife of our urban centres, and its expansion has become the gauge of post-industrial prosperity, yet Jacobs specifically warned against what she called this 'duplication of the most profitable use'.

Jane Jacobs's famous arguments regarding the social and economic benefits of the populous after-dark street have been important theoretical cornerstones of the '24-hour city' concept, and also of official crime prevention policy guidance.3

The Death and Life of Great American Cities is Jane Jacobs single most influential book, and quite possibly the most influential American book on urban planning. Widely read by both planning professionals and the general public, the book is a strong critique of the urban renewal policies of the 1950s which, she claimed, destroyed communities and created isolated, unnatural urban spaces. Jacobs advocated dense, mixed-use neighborhoods and frequently cited New York City's Greenwich Village as an example of a vibrant urban community.

Young drinkers now 'own' many town and city centres at night. When such ownership is established, these areas become even more attractive to young people seeking a permissive leisure environment free from the supervision or censure of the older citizens with whom they share these spaces at other times.5

This 'honey-pot' effect produces social environments in which aggressive hedonism and disorder become the norm, creating nuisance and noise pollution for residents and generating fear, avoidance behaviour, and a loss of amenity for the majority of citizens and potential visitors.

The police are constantly juggling resources in an attempt to cope with the situation on the streets, and control duties within licensed premises continue to be performed by ineffectively regulated teams of bouncers. Yet since such central leisure zones now attract unprecedented numbers of young consumers they have become highly attractive locations for licensed trade investment.

· The current path of night-time leisure development is also having adverse effects upon residential amenity. In addition to crime and disorder and the fear of crime, residents may face an almost intolerable range of problems, including late-night noise, vandalism of property, litter, and the fowling of pavements and doorsteps

· These unpleasant experiences sit uneasily with the vision of 'urban renaissance' contained in the recent Urban White Paper, which seeks to encourage people to remain in, and return to, a 'compact' central core. As the deregulation of alcohol licensing continues, there is now an urgent need to reconcile these competing interests.

· If the '24-hour city' vision of a high-density, mixed-use urban core featuring both a varied and economically prosperous nightlife and excellent residential amenities is ever to become a reality, a much more integrated and interventionist approach to municipal regulation will need to be adopted.

design phase

Hello all,

Elin and I have chosen to look at sustainable development in connection with external shopping centres. Anyone else interested in this?

heme for design phase?

I have a thought of doing a structure for integration in the region. Maybe in a specific place or a specific kind of integration..? If anyone would consider this to be interesting we could talk about it and see if our ideas match?
/ Tina (twirling stick)

Sunday, January 28, 2007


I am really surprised how ugly can be shopping centres! There is no architecture, just boxes, ugly, “empty” boxes… And I have to adjudge that shopping centres are some kind of mirror of nowadays society, aren`t they?!
But anyway these holidays were fantastic! :)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

UP-BEAT 10.00-15.30 monday 29 of jan

10.00-12.00 Kine Halvorsen-Thoren, professor Ås University

13.00-15.30 Louise Andersson, Länsstyrelsen

Please notice the changes for monday!

We in the clubO group will have a field work shop in Malmö today Saturday!
Studying the nightlife can be a lonely job so we could need some company from you fellow group bloggers, spotters and others.

Today's(-nights) task will be to observe and/or talk to as many people as possible. There will also be some dancing. We have made an easy to follow schedule for the evening and we will start with a formal seminar meeting at a pub at 18.00 where we will work out our strategy.

1. Winny's pub and restuarant St Knut's torg Malmö 18.00

2. Pub to be decided later

3. Pub to be decided later

4. Buddha Lounge night club Djäknegatan 9 ca 23.00


Friday, January 26, 2007

Deep frozen Interviews

Picking the coldest week of the winter, so far, we in the 'Denmark vs. Sweden'-group stood outside train stations and such, asking the people of Oresund the following questions:

1. Where do you live? Why? If you could choose freely would you live somewhere else? What's the most important when you choose a place to live? (Economy/Aesthetics/Comfort)

2. Where do you go shopping? Why? (meeting place?/Convenient?/low prices?)

3. Is facilities for excercising important when choosing a place to live?

4. What do you think about 'allemansrätten'?

5. Do you have an opinion about the difference of the taxes in Denmark and Sweden?

6. What do you think of differences in laws? For instance the smoking ban in Sweden?

7. Politicians wants to make the Oresund region more united and competitive economically.
Do you think this is a good thing. Has this meant anything for you personally?

8. Do you feel mostly Danish or mostly Swedish?

The commuting people were stressed and not always willing to talk. It was cold. It was dark.
We're thawing at the moment and will probably regain normal body temperature until monday.

Peder Pants, signing off

UP-BEAT 29 jan 10.00-15.30

10.00-12.00 Kine Halvorsen-Thoren, professor Ås University

13.00-15.30 Louise Andersson, Länsstyrelsen

Please notice the changes for monday!

spotting shopping.. say that 3 times fast!!

Our group has been focusing on shopping within the region, and have been working through some fundamental questions in our investigation. One of our questions: How has the fixed link affected shopping in the region?

This may be of interest to anybody who is looking at the social and economic implications the Öresund link has had on the region. This particular article is available online, and was published by the Öresund Brokonsortiet in 2006.
It basically looks at the impact the bridge has had on things like transportation, economics, and the environment. Was useful for our group to find out who uses the link and for what reason (shopping!)

Shopping for problems....

Hi fellow investigators!

We've spotted things all week. Like that it's hard to find the information you want (like many has already realised). We've been trying to get statistics on shopping centers and stuff like that without luck most of the time. But hey! Who said this would be a piece of a cake?

We got some numbers and some ideas from the big book (on shopping by koolhaas). The book is great!

It's friday... over and out!

/e and the spotters

Scenic beach

the mobility group has changed direction and is now investigating the beaches and beachlife in the region. Not too many beachboys and bikinigirls out there at the moment, but it seem to be a trend for the oldies to go to kallbadhus (coldbadinghouse). There are a lot of them.
We havn't found a "scenic beach" yet though (a place where you go because of the faboulus natural beauty...). Please tell us if you know one!
Our group are working on a "tourist brochure". It will show to people why should they choose this "healthy" region? Or why shouldn't? Our little study trip was interesting and as cold as a stone. My favourite part was the Botanical Roof Garden in Augustenborg, Malmö. It was instructive. I 'm lookin' for the next week to transplant our ideas into the reality.


Hello everybody,
our group did a lot of interviews during Wensday and Thursday. On Wensday we went to Malmö Central Station and we were waiting for trains,which goes from Copenhagen. We met many interesting people and heard a lot of opinions about housing, lifestyle and Oresund region.Next day we were in Lomma and in Burlöv Centre to find people from suburbs and hear their opinion. In the evening we went to Malmö Syd to speak with danish people, who live in Sweden. Now we want to compaire answers. We also sent emails to planning offices in Malmö, Copenhagen, Lomma and other small towns in Sweden. We will see, what they will response.


Yesterday we did a resarching on the internet about timetable. We found information how long does it take to go Malmö from other cites by use different public transport and car.
I made an excel scheme from the information.
We didn’t find information on travelling by car on the Danish side!
after this interesing investigation week- we researched informations in the internet an did a informative but also cold zzzzzzzzzzzssss......... trip to malmö yesterday, we were visiting western harbour and augustenborg, walked around saw green roofs, stormwatermanagemet, talked to people living there... and got a nice insight! I'm looking forward the next week to see how it will go on!?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hello all,
Well... Our group, formally know as 'Duality', has changed direction with our investigation (perhaps this is a facet of our personalities having a little duality as well!). We were very interested in how people experience and move through a city when they navigate through it for the first time. We recognized that most cities have a face or facade that they design for people to experience when they go there. It's a way of creating a positive image. This is done with landmarks, main pedestrian streets, shopping centres, squares or other tourist attractions. We wanted to contrast this 'ideal' image of a city with the "behind the scenes" route of a city that maps the edge spaces that are not really seen. The tool that we used to discover our own tracking system through the city's more forgotten places was to follow the graffiti trail in Malmö. To do this we spent the day in Malmö on Tuesday. We started from central station and followed our ‘graffiti tracking’ method to wherever it took us, recording and mapping all the way. We are finding it interesting to compare and contrast the 'façade' and 'behind the scenes' perspectives of a place. Although they are essentially opposites, there are surprising similarities in the structures of these two routes. So… so far so good! We'll see where it takes us.

nightlife in malmö

yesterday me and my group went to malmö. we searched different kinds of clubs and places which are popular during the nighttime.
on saturday we will go there in nighttime. hopefully we will find partyanimals, clubmanager etc., we can interview, and find something out about the socialstructur of the 24hour-city.
I´m curious about it, because I´ve never been to malmö at night.
Until now I can´t see a specific goal of our work, but I think this will change after saturday-night. It´s not so easy to manage a project, which you choose on our own.
But it is interesting to find a topic, work on it, find something like a track and to aggrigate the different perceptions of the groupmembers.

Hard to find danish information!

After a nice but cold studytrip to Malmö I'm now back in front of the computer... The internet has given us a lot of information about sustainability projects on the the swedish side, but concerning the danish we have some problems. For example it's hard to know the danish spelling of the subject you are searching for! Even if our languages are similar it doesn't help. We are now thinking about totally concentration on the swedish side becaurse of the lack of information on the danish... / SustainabilitySara
Today we went out for a small trip around Malmoe with our main goals being Augustenborg and Western Harbour, because of their substainability approach. We wanted to try conducting a few interviews with people living or working in the areas, asking them how they feel about the areas and the way they work, what´s good and what´s not so good. Making the interviews meaningful was hard and also we would need to interview a lot of people for the result to representative, so because of time limitations we chose not to use that as a method. Except for this the trip was useful and we discovered a few new things about for example solar energy power which, according to the Green Roof Institute , is on the rise and also getting less expensive.

Movium Conferens

You are all welcome to join the Movium conferens "den lekande människan".
Just go there!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

SARAH SZEA Swiftly Tilting Planet

This exibition by American artist Sarah Sze in Malmö konsthall [publicart gallery in Malmö] is a must-see for everybody in the course. Not that it is compulsory, but if you have any interest in organization, non-organization, networks, landscapes, constructions or cities you should go. Until the 18th of February.

/Fredrik and Sabina

PIN-UP Friday 26 jan and 2 feb

PIN-UP Friday 26 jan
Friday's pinup will be an informal one with groups presenting your workat the drawing tables. We start at 11.00 with two groups and continueafter lunch. A time schedule will be posted at the studio duringThursday. You don't have to participate in each presentation, unless youhave any special interest in any of the group's work. See it as apresentation though, with clear material that communicate the message!

PROGRAM: 11.00 Swe-den, 11.30 Club O, 13.00 Duality, 13.30 Mobility, 14.00 identity-sustainability, 14.30 Denmark vs Sweden, 15.00 O investigation, 15.30 Spotting.

PIN-UP Fiday 2 feb
This is the pin-up closing the investigation phase. It will be apresentation with some invited guest critic, so this time it's extraimportant that the message gets through. You will get 15 minutes topresent you investigations. Use powerpoint or pdf-presentations. Whenproducing your pp or pdf try to make it in such a resolution that it canalso be printed. The pin-up starts at 13.00.

/Fredrik and Sabina

All over!

Ah, this is nice. Or not at all.
To sit and wait for a mail to arrive.
To wonder where it all is going.
Maybe we´ll se each other at the end. Maybe not.
But at leas Im here!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Why is it always so hard to 'take off'?
There are all these questions and thoughts in your mind, but you can´t really speak them out.
And new projects always has a tendency to feel rather blur in the beginning.

Anyway, I've succeeded with my very first entrance on a blog, that's a start.

Investigation methods

Please post a brief description of your investigation methods and why you choosed to use them.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Have a nice weekend!

This seems to work properly. Just as my computer does after I've spent all night re-installing everything from windows to cad. Remember, ALWAYS keep a backup! always....

/E (etno dancing)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Invitation to the blog

You will get an invitation to the adress I sent the "welcome to the course letter".
Mail your e-mail adress to if you wouldn't like to use the school mail.

Thursday, January 11, 2007