Monday, January 22, 2007

Why is it always so hard to 'take off'?
There are all these questions and thoughts in your mind, but you can´t really speak them out.
And new projects always has a tendency to feel rather blur in the beginning.

Anyway, I've succeeded with my very first entrance on a blog, that's a start.


Henrik said...

Yea, getting started is hard work. We're getting started and feeling quite excited about doing our thing. tomorrow and thursday we'll be on the road getting the sensation of speed, commuting, time and 'På spåret'. The hardest part about getting started was understanding this blog thingy, though. Hope this works!

Rosi said...


We had also a long discussion about what we are doing. But now it feels like we are on a good way!
I think we get a structure into our theme and that feels very good!