Thursday, February 8, 2007

A Productive Landscape...

We are working hard towards developing a stronger image for the Öresund region. We are playing with the idea of "a Productive Landscape". For us this holds so many possibilities. The areas we are focusing on are the borders or urban fringe... also known by some people as the "non-places". Let's see if we can change that!
All for now, over and out.
/Kate, Liv & Susana

our little group


Finally we formed our group and we found our perfect topic on yesterday. In time I think. We will work on the brain gain of the region. You will see it.

Clara, Rita, Barbi

carrot cake anyone?

We have interviewed Alf Hornborg, a professor at the University of Lund. when asked about the possibility of a future sustainable relationship between shopping centers and cities, his suggestion was to simply 'shut down the shopping centers'. If you are a customer at a shopping center in the öresund region, than you are a european with more money than meaning in life! Over the next few weeks, we are hoping to provide a more optimistic view for how shopping can evolve in the region.
We have also contacted architects and city planners, and we will keep you posted with the outcomes.
have a nice weekend!
Suzie, Laura, Esbjörn (cc)