Thursday, January 25, 2007

nightlife in malmö

yesterday me and my group went to malmö. we searched different kinds of clubs and places which are popular during the nighttime.
on saturday we will go there in nighttime. hopefully we will find partyanimals, clubmanager etc., we can interview, and find something out about the socialstructur of the 24hour-city.
I´m curious about it, because I´ve never been to malmö at night.
Until now I can´t see a specific goal of our work, but I think this will change after saturday-night. It´s not so easy to manage a project, which you choose on our own.
But it is interesting to find a topic, work on it, find something like a track and to aggrigate the different perceptions of the groupmembers.

1 comment:

Fredrik said...

Still sounds very promising. 24h Malmö. I like the sound of that. Tonight I'm trying it out myself. Shall try to be very scientific about it.