Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Please take some time to post the reflexions you hade while SWOT analyzing as comments to this post.



Jenny said...

S: big traffic structure, public transport, different housing types

W: big traffic structure, housing types in enclaves, different langues

O: different cultures, public transport, developing smaller centers to make networks

T: segregation, economy, unemployment, large commuting distances

//Tina & Jenny

Sara said...

SWOT-analysis with a water perspective

Both bridge and boat connection between the countries
Situated by the sea with nice beaches and attractive waterfront residential areas
Beautiful views - good for recreation

Many waterfront residential areas are in the risk zone of being flooded
Many different scenarios of rising sea levels make if hard to plan for the future
The sea creates a barrier between the countries

Develop new exiting waterscapes
Develop the blue structure to improve transport, recreation and activities connected to water
Combine the green and blue structure in a better way

Huge areas can be flooded in the future
Loosing valuable recreation areas and residential areas along the coast line
Houses situated by the waterfront could decrease in value

WWW-Sara, Karolina, Julia and Maggie

juliajoghurt said...


AndreaSlukova said...

S:mediconvaley, strong economy, agriculture, knowledge of language
W:connection, lack of information about region-bad promotion, two population
O:new bridge or tunell H-H, tourism, eco district (Malmö)
T:byrocracy, lack of communacation