Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hello all,
Well... Our group, formally know as 'Duality', has changed direction with our investigation (perhaps this is a facet of our personalities having a little duality as well!). We were very interested in how people experience and move through a city when they navigate through it for the first time. We recognized that most cities have a face or facade that they design for people to experience when they go there. It's a way of creating a positive image. This is done with landmarks, main pedestrian streets, shopping centres, squares or other tourist attractions. We wanted to contrast this 'ideal' image of a city with the "behind the scenes" route of a city that maps the edge spaces that are not really seen. The tool that we used to discover our own tracking system through the city's more forgotten places was to follow the graffiti trail in Malmö. To do this we spent the day in Malmö on Tuesday. We started from central station and followed our ‘graffiti tracking’ method to wherever it took us, recording and mapping all the way. We are finding it interesting to compare and contrast the 'façade' and 'behind the scenes' perspectives of a place. Although they are essentially opposites, there are surprising similarities in the structures of these two routes. So… so far so good! We'll see where it takes us.

nightlife in malmö

yesterday me and my group went to malmö. we searched different kinds of clubs and places which are popular during the nighttime.
on saturday we will go there in nighttime. hopefully we will find partyanimals, clubmanager etc., we can interview, and find something out about the socialstructur of the 24hour-city.
I´m curious about it, because I´ve never been to malmö at night.
Until now I can´t see a specific goal of our work, but I think this will change after saturday-night. It´s not so easy to manage a project, which you choose on our own.
But it is interesting to find a topic, work on it, find something like a track and to aggrigate the different perceptions of the groupmembers.

Hard to find danish information!

After a nice but cold studytrip to Malmö I'm now back in front of the computer... The internet has given us a lot of information about sustainability projects on the the swedish side, but concerning the danish we have some problems. For example it's hard to know the danish spelling of the subject you are searching for! Even if our languages are similar it doesn't help. We are now thinking about totally concentration on the swedish side becaurse of the lack of information on the danish... / SustainabilitySara
Today we went out for a small trip around Malmoe with our main goals being Augustenborg and Western Harbour, because of their substainability approach. We wanted to try conducting a few interviews with people living or working in the areas, asking them how they feel about the areas and the way they work, what´s good and what´s not so good. Making the interviews meaningful was hard and also we would need to interview a lot of people for the result to representative, so because of time limitations we chose not to use that as a method. Except for this the trip was useful and we discovered a few new things about for example solar energy power which, according to the Green Roof Institute , is on the rise and also getting less expensive.

Movium Conferens

You are all welcome to join the Movium conferens "den lekande människan".
Just go there!